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① 获取新鲜的小鼠脾脏,小鼠的脾脏呈椭圆形状,可以直接用镊子拉扯分离。将小鼠脾脏放入预冷的有适量 HBSS(Hanks'平衡盐溶液)缓冲液的培养皿或大小适中的离心管中,并使用手术剪或眼科剪,小心将脾脏剪碎。



② 将细胞筛网放在50 mL 离心管上方,使用一次性移液器,将剪碎后的脾脏转移到细胞筛网轻轻的捣碎或碾压,使其通过筛网。必要时,加入5–10 mL PBS 冲洗。重复上述步骤,可使用1 mL注射器进行验证,若通过筛网的细胞悬液可无阻碍的使用注射器(带针头)进行反复吹打,则可认为单细胞悬液制备完成。

③ 将细胞悬液在4°C下,以400-600 g 或1500 rpm 离心细胞10 min,弃上清,用2–5 mL 预冷的1x PBS 重悬细胞。将重悬液置于冰上备用,必要时可以对细胞进行台盼蓝染色初步判断活率,也可对细胞进行单细胞计数,调整至合适的细胞浓度后根据检测实验目的分别进行染色、上机检测。




① 沿肿瘤组织轻轻剪开,尽可能完整的剥离整个肿瘤,将剥离好的肿瘤放入预冷的有适量 HBSS(Hanks'平衡盐溶液)缓冲液的培养皿或大小适中的离心管中,尽量冰上放置保持细胞良好活性。



② 并使用手术剪或眼科剪,小幅度、高频的方式将肿瘤块剪碎,大约剪成<1mm2大小(肉眼看呈泥浆状),整个过程建议在冰上操作,使用适量的 PBS 进行洗涤,1500 rpm 离心10 min,沉淀的组织样本待消化。

③ 每样本加入2-3 mL 配置好的消化液(可根据肿瘤大小调整1×消化液的用量),用1 mL 枪头将肿瘤组织碎末打散,置于37 °C 恒温摇床,300 rpm 摇晃,使酶与组织充分接触,约消化30 min 左右,期间每15 min 取出吹打一次,可取一滴观察细胞分离情况,从而适当调整消化分离时间,消化时间不宜过长,以免影响免疫细胞活性。

④ 消化完毕后,加入3 mL(组织量过多可成倍加入含5%血清的 DMEM 终止消化。用巴氏吸管吸取消化后的肿瘤组织悬液至70 μm 细胞滤网过滤,同时用1 mL 注射器后部研磨遗留在滤网上的组织块,所得悬液4 °C,50 g 离心10 min,收集上清,则为肿瘤细胞悬液。

⑤ 根据所购买的淋巴细胞分离液,对肿瘤悬液进行 PBMC 的提取,提取出中间白膜层后根据检测的实验目的分别进行染色、上机检测。


货号 名称 产品引用文献
KTR201 Mouse Regulatory T Cell Staining Kit A pH-responsive polymersome depleting regulatory T cells and blocking A2A receptor for cancer immunotherapy
Aqueous extract of Taxus chinensis var. mairei targeting CD47 enhanced antitumor effects in non-small cell lung cancer
CCL17 acts as an antitumor chemokine in micromilieu‐driven immune skewing
Cysteine protease of Clonorchis sinensis alleviates DSS-induced colitis in mice
IC001 FoxP3/Transcription Factor Staining Buffer Kit Airway epithelial ITGB4 deficiency induces airway remodeling in a mouse model
Combination of matrine and tacrolimus alleviates acute rejection in murine heart transplantation by inhibiting DCs maturation through ROS/ERK/NF-κB pathway
Lymph Node Targeted Drug Delivery for Effective Immunomodulation to Prolong the Long-Term Survival After Heart Transplantation
Oroxylin A inhibited autoimmune hepatitis-induced liver injury and shifted Treg/Th17 balance to Treg differentiation
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In vivo self-assembled siRNA as a modality for combination therapy of ulcerative colitis
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Platycodon grandiflorus polysaccharide regulates colonic immunity through mesenteric lymphatic circulation to attenuate ulcerative colitis
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Let-7f-5p suppresses Th17 differentiation via targeting STAT3 in multiple sclerosis
Myricetin ameliorates experimental autoimmune myocarditis in mice by modulating immune response and inhibiting MCP-1 expression
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Abnormal immune function of MDSC and NK cells from chronic phase CML patients restores with tyrosine kinase inhibitors
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Alternatively activated macrophages promote airway inflammation through JAK3–STAT5–Fra2 in asthma


货号 名称 产品引用文献
F2100304 Anti-Mouse CD3ε, PerCP-Cy5.5 (Clone:145-2C11) 流式抗体 ① A light-driven dual-nanotransformer with deep tumor penetration for efficient chemo-immunotherapy

② Codelivery of Shikonin and siTGF-β for enhanced triple negative breast cancer chemo-immunotherapy

③ Effects of simulated digestion in vitro on the structure and macrophages activation of fucoidan from Sargassum fusiforme

④ Polyguanine alleviated autoimmune hepatitis through regulation of macrophage receptor with collagenous structure and TLR4-TRIF-NF-κB signalling

⑤ Quaternized chitosan-coated liposomes enhance immune responses by co-delivery of antigens and resveratrol

⑥ KCl Nanoparticles as Potential Inducer of Immunogenic Cell Death for Cancer Immunotherapy

F2100409 Anti-Mouse CD4, mFluor 610 (Clone:GK1.5)流式抗体
F2100806 Anti-Mouse CD8α, APC-Cy7 (Clone:53-6.7)流式抗体
F2108003 Anti-Mouse CD80 (B7-1), APC (Clone:16-10A1)流式抗体
F2108603 Anti-Mouse CD86 (B7-2), APC (Clone:GL-1) 流式抗体
F41011b07 Anti-Human/Mouse CD11b, mFluor 450 (Clone: M1/70) 检测试剂
F21011C01 Anti-Mouse CD11c, FITC (Clone:N418)检测试剂